Our approach

A child-centered rugby project

Eagles, a Luxembourg Rugby club in Kopstal-Bridel, were created by experienced and passionate people who have designed a Rugby project for kids based on a holistic approach. The main objective of this project is to make sure that kids from 4 to 18 years old have fun when practicing a physical activity and, in particular, when practicing appropriate forms of Rugby. 

Rugby is a team sport that delivers significant social and health benefits but it can also be a physically demanding sport. In order to ensure that a positive, safe, enjoyable environment is created where all players will be able to both have fun and reach their fullest potential, Eagles have developed a unique approach.

This approach mixes non-contact forms of Rugby for youngster players with traditional forms of Rugby for the more experienced players, a specific coaching method and a game philosophy that can be summarized as “catch, pass, evade”.

Benefits from the specific coaching method used by the Eagles are many for the kids as it helps them develop into autonomous, creative and decision-making players and it also improves the confidence, motivation and, therefore, long-term development as well as performance of the kids. These benefits are valuable on and off the pitch. 
The Eagles' unique approach is detailed in our pedagogical document which constitutes the fundamentals for all the activities of the Eagles coaches.